Solid Software

Solid Software

Solid Software
Solid Software
Solid Software


Solid Software is a software development company from Ukraine. Our team builds secure, complex, and well-designed mobile and web applications. Our portfolio consists of more than 40 Flutter & Dart projects.

We have been creating projects using Supabase since 2021.

  • a time tracking tool for Software Professionals


We help implement the visions of our clients and turn them into products. Our team specializes in the following fields and services:

  • Mobile, Web, and Desktop development
  • Supabase configuration
  • CI/CD
  • Сommand-line tools (CLI)
  • UI/UX Design
  • Marketing

How we use Supabase

Supabase plays an essential role in our toolset when working with relational databases. We value its features, especially for:

  • Auth, Database, and Storage
  • Scalability
  • Possibility of creating complex access policies with SQL queries (Row-level security)
  • Automated tests, and deployments

Our team did several projects with Supabase. Worklog.AI is a great example of it.

Our Ideal Supabase Project

Our ideal project comprises of two key technical components: Flutter and Supabase.

Industries, where we have extensive expertise are Healthcare, Robotics, and Productivity, but we are highly versatile.

Amongst our clients are startups and global corporations based in the US, Europe, and Australia.

